Thanks for wanting to get in touch with me! I’ll usually respond to all legitimate comms, there’s an outline down the bottom of what I probably won’t respond to so please read that first.
This is the easiest way if you want to reach out and I can usually respond pretty promptly.
Twitter: samuelpena
This is my primary means of broadcasting things to the world so please follow me there. I do read my DMs and allow them from people I don’t follow, but would prefer email if you’re reaching out from the blue about something. I don’t see every mention so you may not get a reply via a public tweet.
LinkedIn: penasamuel
My background is pretty well covered for the last decade there. I accept connections from people I’ve met, worked with, spoken with or otherwise had enough interaction to feel that I can call them a professional contact. I don’t respond to requests from people I don’t know.
What I’ll definitely respond to
I’m happy to make comments to media on any presales stories. Genuine queries about speaking at events will get a response, even if I can’t accept the invite.
What I may not respond to
I try and respond to technical queries but would prefer you try asking on Stack Overflow first.